Sunday, January 9, 2011

Starbucks changes its logo

When you first think of Starbucks, you invariably form the image of the mermaid logo with the words "Starbucks" and "Coffee" above and below it. 

Now, get prepared to see only the mermaid peeping at you without the mention of those two very critical words! Yes, Starbucks have gone ahead with a bold move to alter their logo, by removing "Starbucks" and "Coffee" and making it a "only picture" logo, on the lines of Apple or Nike. 

Changing the identity of a brand that has become so embedded in popular culture and in people’s daily lives naturally creates a very emotional response.
This move has received mixed reactions as to whether such a bold strategy is good in the long run or not. 

Experts on one side of  the fence feel that this move is  indeed positive, to make people think about Starbucks with the mermaid logo, and this change will align well with the rationale of building a corporate identity on a symbol alone. 

However, on the other side of the fence, experts feel that a well established identity like Starbucks cannot afford to sell their brand minus the critical words "Starbucks" and "Coffee" as the symbol of mermaid in itself is not as strong as the symbol of a  Nike or an Apple. 
The mermaid is a complex design and while most loyal customers will recognize this symbol as the coffee formerly known as Starbucks, it bucks the very strategy of why they needed to evolve the logo in the first place.

Dropping the Starbucks name from their logo will only serve to confuse consumers who are not as familiar with the company and thus the target of a company trying to broaden its product line.

Views on which side of the fence will hold true in the long run, would be an interesting thing to watch!!


  1. Nice one Guys!!! Well, even i believe that in a country like India where Starbucks is looking to establish a strong foothold, removing the 2 key words would hinder their growth in India. Cafe Coffee Day - well the name says it all, that it deals with coffee. Also, Barista's logo has a coffee symbol. So people can easily recognize these brands as coffee player. But, I am really not sure as to how just a Mermaid sign will convey the message of Coffee. The mermaid logo might have something to do something with the history of Starbucks, but i dont think so that a customer gives a damn abt the history.
    Thus i think that this might be a decent global strategy but this will definitely hinder their growth in new markets..

  2. Nicely done. I agree with the skeptics here. Removing the words from the logo defeats the purpose of actually having a logo in a company like Starbucks.
